
Monday, May 27, 2013

Swifties, Smilers, Directioners, Lovatics, Selenators and more.

Hello everyone! My apologies for the one week break from blogging, but I was on vacation with absolutely no contact with the outside world! But more on that later - I have a ton of ideas on what to post lined up for the coming weeks!

I don't know about all of you, but the first thing I do after spending a week-long holiday with no connection to the outside world (well, maybe a phone call or two :D) is to find out what I missed. And as I was catching up on the latest news (mostly the Billboard Music Awards 2013 :D), I came across a couple of posts on other blogs and websites about Taylor Swift. Now, one thing you should know, I like Taylor. I think she puts her heart and soul into her music and gives her fans what they expect from her. But I'm not going to fall for the delusion that everyone else likes her too. And I won't say everyone else has to like her either. Everybody has their own opinions on who they like and its completely fine.

So, as I was saying, less than half of the comments were supportive of Taylor and her achievements, and most were comments that were just hateful. What I don't get is if they don't like Taylor, why come, read about her achievements, and then write something hateful about her in the comments section? It doesn't make sense. Especially because they add that they think some other singer is better than her. And that she shouldn't have won those 8 awards she took home that day. This doesn't just apply to Taylor, you know. Apparently, Justin Bieber was booed when he received the Milestone Award at the Billboard Music Awards this year. Now that's just spoiling what should've been a special moment for that artist. Yes, he's an artist, just like the rest of 'em, and he must have done something outstanding to win that award - he earned it. All artists out there earn their awards and its not for us to judge whether they should have received it or not. 

This brings me to what this post is really about. I find fandoms that have named themselves after the singer -  Swifties for Taylor Swift, Directioners for One Direction, Selenators for Selena Gomez, Smilers for Miley Cyrus, Lovatics for Demi Lovato and so on. There are a whole lot more, I bet. That's all just fine. But the problem starts when these fandoms turn against each other. I've seen a whole lot of fights between Swifties and Directioners these days all over the web. It's like you can't watch a video or read a post without having a fight between two fandoms. I mean, when all those singers are friends why can't all their fans be? And even if they aren't friends, it shouldn't be a barrier separating two people from different 'warring' fandoms from being friends. That's just like a mass clique.

What do you think? And which fandom would you belong to if you had the chance? Vote in the new poll I've added by the end of next week!

As always, read, enjoy, and let me know your thoughts in the comments section below! Don't be shy! I'm always ready to hear what my readers think of this blog and improve it!

Catch you later!
Spencer :)

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